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A Shipping Option represents a way in which an Order or Return can be shipped. Shipping Options have an associated Fulfillment Provider that will be used when the fulfillment of an Order is initiated. Shipping Options themselves cannot be added to Carts, but serve as a template for Shipping Methods. This distinction makes it possible to customize individual Shipping Methods with additional information.


Flag to indicate if the Shipping Option usage is restricted to admin users.

Default: false

amountnull | numberRequired
The amount to charge for shipping when the Shipping Option price type is flat\_rate.
The date with timezone at which the resource was created.
dataRecord<string, unknown>Required
The data needed for the Fulfillment Provider to identify the Shipping Option.
deleted_atnull | DateRequired
The date with timezone at which the resource was deleted.
The shipping option's ID
Whether the shipping option price include tax

Default: false

Flag to indicate if the Shipping Option can be used for Return shipments.

Default: false

metadataRecord<string, unknown>Required
An optional key-value map with additional details
The name given to the Shipping Option - this may be displayed to the Customer.
The type of pricing calculation that is used when creatin Shipping Methods from the Shipping Option. Can be flat\_rate for fixed prices or calculated if the Fulfillment Provider can provide price calulations.
The details of the shipping profile that the shipping option belongs to.
The ID of the Shipping Profile that the shipping option belongs to.
The details of the fulfillment provider that will be used to later to process the shipping method created from this shipping option and its fulfillments.
The ID of the fulfillment provider that will be used to later to process the shipping method created from this shipping option and its fulfillments.
The details of the region this shipping option can be used in.
The ID of the region this shipping option can be used in.
The details of the requirements that must be satisfied for the Shipping Option to be available for usage in a Cart.
The date with timezone at which the resource was updated.
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