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A Return holds information about Line Items that a Customer wishes to send back, along with how the items will be returned. Returns can also be used as part of a Swap or a Claim.


The details of the claim that the return may belong to.
claim_order_idnull | stringRequired
The ID of the claim that the return may belong to.
The date with timezone at which the resource was created.
The return's ID
idempotency_keynull | stringRequired
Randomly generated key used to continue the completion of the return in case of failure.
The details of the items that the customer is returning.
location_idnull | stringRequired
The ID of the stock location the return will be added back.
metadatanull | Record<string, unknown>Required
An optional key-value map with additional details
no_notificationnull | booleanRequired
When set to true, no notification will be sent related to this return.
The details of the order that the return was created for.
order_idnull | stringRequired
The ID of the order that the return was created for.
The date with timezone at which the return was received.
The amount that should be refunded as a result of the return.
shipping_dataRecord<string, unknown>Required
Data about the return shipment as provided by the Fulfilment Provider that handles the return shipment.
The details of the Shipping Method that will be used to send the Return back. Can be null if the Customer will handle the return shipment themselves.
Status of the Return.

Default: requested

The details of the swap that the return may belong to.
swap_idnull | stringRequired
The ID of the swap that the return may belong to.
The date with timezone at which the resource was updated.
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